Registration is open for the US Club Soccer-hosted U.S. Soccer D course in Massachusetts.
Pembroke, MA | March 31-July 21, 2022 & in-person July 16, 2022
Course registration will be on a first come, first serve basis. US Club Soccer members are asked to register as soon as possible to secure their spot in the course.
Eligibility Requirements:
Eligibility Requirements: In order to register for the Course, candidates must be at least 16 years old* and have completed U.S. Soccer’s Introduction to Grassroots Coaching module. This module can be accessed here.
*Due to online privacy laws, individuals under the age of 16 cannot create Learning Center (LC) profiles, and thus are unable to take Grassroots Courses.
Also, a unique combination of three of the eight Grassroots Licenses now formally represents the prerequisite to progress to the U.S. Soccer D License. Specifically, candidates must have completed a minimum of three grassroots courses, in the form of two in-person courses and one online course:
Coaching candidates who have earned the E or F License will have the following opportunities to use those certifications toward the D License prerequisites:
National D License Course Details: The National D License is an online and in-person course that has an online experience and one in-person meeting.
Coaches who register for this course can expect weekly learning opportunities that will feature a mixture of independent learning using online modules and live virtual meetings led by a licensed U.S. Soccer Instructor. Coaches will be asked to participate in discussions so each person should have access to the internet and a web-camera/live video capabilities. The virtual meetings will take place on agreed upon days and times (see below). Coaches may be asked to participate in the field component as either coaches or players, so please come prepared to actively learn.
The goals of the course are to help coaches understand how:
The learning objectives of this course are to facilitate coach improvement in the Six Tasks of a Coach with an emphasis on developing the team and individual players by learning how:
Coaches may be asked to participate in the field component as either coaches or players, so please come prepared to actively learn. Candidates that register for this course are expected to attend all course meetings to be eligible to receive the license.
Course Structure:
Schedule: All sessions are virtual unless noted and will take place on Thursdays @ 8:30pm ET.
*Link will be provided by instructor in the communications tab once registration is complete.
Pre-course Webinar Meeting
Virtual Meetings - Thursdays @ 8:30pm ET
In-person Field Session
Location of In-person Field Session
Pembroke High School, 80 Learning Ln. Pembroke, MA, 02359
Cancellation Policy:
A candidate seeking to withdraw from the course must do so in writing to Once a candidate registers for the course, the hosting association has made proper arrangements for instructors, classroom/field space, & materials to accommodate that candidate. If a candidate cancels at least 2 weeks prior to the first day of the course, he or she may receive a full refund. If the candidate fails to cancel at least 2 weeks prior to the course, only attends a portion of the course, or does not show up for the course, the entire course fee is forfeited. By registering for this course, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to the course policies regarding course assignments, attendance, registration fees, and refunds.
This document outlines how the NEP views all of the possible Coaching Qualification Pathways for our coaches.